Education Centre

Military History Presentations

Attend one of our 'Beyond the Battlefield' military history-related presentations.


In 2023, the KTMW Board re-commenced their series of military history-related talks, called ‘Beyond the Battlefield’.

The presentations have a military history focus, including the PNG/Kokoda campaigns.

Format: The talks are on Saturday mornings, and are approximately an hour in duration. They are held in the Ralph Honner Kokoda Education Centre, where a small admission charge ($5.00) applies to members of the public. If you are a Friend of Kokoda (FoK), admission is free. Light refreshments are also available.

See here for transport options to the Walkway.

Please arrive 30 minutes before the talk is due to commence.

RSVPs: those FoK attending should email a week before the talk, while others should complete the payment form and submit before the talk.

Payment: all non-FoK should complete the below payment form.

If you have any questions, comments or feedback/suggestions (after attending a talk) please contact us.



The talks are open to the public for a small charge, and free for ‘Friends of Kokoda’ (FoK) members.



The 2023 talk series was well received. Thank you to those FoK and others who attended the three talks – we appreciate your support!

2024 Update

The 2024 schedule is:


Military History Presentation: Payment form

"*" indicates required fields

2024 Talks: June to November

Use this form only if not a Friend of Kokoda (FoK). FoK should email if attending.

Which presentation? (Choose all applicable)*

Please arrive 30 minutes before the presentation start time

Enter your payment amount
Thank you for your payment and for supporting the Walkway. We hope you enjoy the presentation! All monies raised are used to sustain the Walkway's educational and commemorative focus.


The Walkway thanks Big Sky Publishing (publishers of some of our speakers’ titles) for their support. A range of their publications will be prizes on the days!

Talks in 2024: download the latest brochure here




2023 presentations:

  • Dr Jan McLeod: ‘Stout-hearted men’ (1:16mins). Dr McLeod’s talk focussed on the photographs and diary writings of Private Lawrence Nicholas (Nick) Kennedy, and his experiences in Papua with the understrength 2/4 Australian Field Ambulance.
  • John Hall (KTMW Project Officer): ‘Game to Give it a Go’: the Italian POW Rural Labour Scheme in Australia 1943-1945. (1:20mins) Faced with a rural labour crisis, the Commonwealth Government decided to use Italian POWs who had been transported to Australia following the capture of massive numbers of Italian forces in North Africa in 1940/41. From mid-1943 until late 1945, farmers in many districts employed former Italian soldiers to help with their labour needs.
  • Dr David W. Cameron: The other Isurava – the Battle for Abuari’ (58m 41s) Dr Cameron’s talk focused on the lesser-known, but just as vicious and costly battle at Abuari, east of Isurava in late August 1942.

View past presentations on our YouTube channel.


The Walkway’s success is dependent on the goodwill and services of many volunteers. You may wish to support the Walkway by becoming a volunteer, joining the Friends of Kokoda or by donating